
Business Flex Support

Having Trouble Logging In?

Typically, the username will be your personal email address. For the first time logging in, you will need to request a temporary password. This is done by clicking the forgot password link and in the first field, username, type the email a second time then click Reset Password.

This should result in an email sent to your personal email with a temporary password. Return to the login page and type your username(email) and the temporary password. This should give you access to the system.

If you don’t receive a temporary password to your email, it probably means that you user information has not be set up in the ordering portal or the email on file with your company is not the one that you are using. In either case, you should reach out to your company administrator for Business Flex and confirm they have the correct email on file. This information will need to be made available in the MobilSentry application before you login will be successful.

Not Sure Which Order Type to Use?

Once logged in, the first time you will be directed to the ordering options. After accepting the Terms and Conditions form by scrolling to the bottom, you will be presented with set of colored ordering tiles that allow you to onboard a new number or existing number (port) with an existing device (BYOD) or by purchasing a certified pre-owned device. The ordering portal also allows you to transfer a line out or terminate service.

There is a wizard to guide you through selection of the correct order type. Click on “Help Me Choose Type of Order” and by answering the questions tiles will be eliminated until you are at the correct ordering options.

If you have questions, you may also click on the Help ? icon for additional instructions.

Who do I Contact If I have Additional Questions or Problems with my Order?

For any questions regarding your usage of the ordering portal or problems related to completing orders, email your questions to:
