blog | Kit Livingston
| March 4, 2020 10:03 am
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| Accurate Reporting, Automated, Data Assimilation, Invoice Management, Mobility Management Solutions
MobilSentry™ Makes Mobile Cost Allocation Painless

Virtually any large organization struggles with the task of eliminating mobile device allocation errors during monthly AP processing. Some organizations choose to tolerate a certain level of misallocations each month because the path to reducing those errors is just too time-consuming, while others are over-spending on human resources to meet a high standard of accuracy. If there is high value to mobile cost accounting exactness in your organization, there are methods, processes, and tools, including the right synchronization to Human Resources data to deliver high precision at the right cost/benefit ratio.
Translating a company’s data models into an effective mobile expense management capability that interfaces cleanly to HR and AP systems are a critical success component and not every Mobile Expense Management (MEM) consultant or application provider possesses the skills and architectural flexibility necessary to achieve success. When you get ready to make this journey, make sure you choose a vendor with a proven track record or you may find yourself with an unacceptable cost/benefit equation.
Click here to explore ways to make your monthly mobile allocation process precise, timely and above all, painless.