Tag Archives: wireless expense managment

Why Weekend Wireless Data is a Problem for Companies

A recent corporate-liable device study shows 45% of all employee data usage occurs during off-peak hours.

Why Off-peak Usage is a Problem

Unlike the days of free night and weekend minutes, your company pays for every data MB used by your employees whether it’s during peak or off-peak periods. The problem is compounded by data pooling which helps mask individual data consumption making it difficult to identify the impacts of high data users as well as assess ratios of peak and off-peak usage. In the absence of targeted analytics and reporting, all of this critical information is submersed under data pools where administrators and company executives lose visibility.

Cost Controls Used by Expense-minded Companies

Companies who use the following usage cost controls typically see reductions of 25% or more on their wireless invoices over other companies who don’t:

1) A defined company mobile usage policy signed by each employee before issuance of a mobile device

2) Financial penalties for high data users brings immediate attention to usage issues. By applying proportionate charges based on the number of MBs used per device, visibility over individual usage is surfaced.

3) Thorough business analytics reveals trending, top user identification. Significant usage variances provide upper management a means for tracking cost savings initiatives.

4) Simple, intuitive reporting and alerts for line managers places actionable intelligence at the level of management most capable of influencing behavioral changes.

Click here to lean more


Are Carriers Plotting to Steadily Increase Your Invoice?

Unlike voice, why don’t mobile carriers offer free night/weekend data?

With data as the measure it shouldn’t surprise you carriers love smart device data-intensive apps, particularly when it’s off-peak.

Caution, your employees may be using more data during off-peak hours.

Because of streaming videos and other useful media apps, it is more than likely that your employees use more data away from work than at work.

Psst, it’s much easier to run up costs with data than with voice.

Click here to learn how this may be impacting your company.

6 Unique Mobility Challenges for Utility Companies

With large geographical service delivery challenges, an era of rapid change in grid and metering technology and the dynamic strain of coping with rapid mobility solution growth it is increasingly difficult to satisfy the constant mandate to deliver the lowest rates to users. Detailed below are some key utility-specific mobility challenges which merit increased attention and appropriate solutions.

1. Regulatory scrutiny demands heightened financial discipline emphasizing accuracy and efficiency – Oversight by Public Utility Commissions for utility rate reviews requires constant examination of existing expense processes. Because it is growing rapidly and is inherently difficult to control, mobility cost management can be one of the most challenging.

2. Large field forces bring an increased need for effective mobility oversight solutions – Field forces require efficient technology on their mobility devices to be effective in their roles away from offices. With expanding mobility usage comes rapid growth in data usage.  

3. Infrastructure and expense controls are necessary to accompany the rollout of Smart Meters & AMI – Next generation Smart Meters and AMI technology in large deployments requires optimal use of carrier machine-to-machine/telemetry plans to support these new networks. Managing telemetry invoicing requires the use of custom plans and real time proactive actions – an area where deep expertise is essential.

Click here to read about the other three challenges.